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Wanderings Around The World of Open Source Data

This is essentially a blog site for my meanderings around the data analysis and data mapping using open-source data in the guise of my alter-ego Mapper Monday.  A love of maps and a career of working with data has led me here.  The short blog pieces will mine different open-source data sets of varying size and complexity and above all will attempt to display data in a spatial form (i.e. data mapping!) which often speaks louder than a table.

Best, Mapper Monday

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The UK's census data provides a rich and fascinating source of data for the cartographer.  As we eagerly await the results of the 2021 census here is a look back to a piece of work I did in 2020 during one of the lockdowns.  It looks at the relative concentration of non-English languages 'spoken at home' (as the census defines it) in the form of a series of heat maps.  This map shows the distribution of Turkish speakers.  A longer blog article looks at a number of other languages.  Find it here.

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